Watch a replay of the conference in our video gallery below

Day One

Day Two

Time for Turbines is an annual conference that brings together policymakers, labor and environmental advocates and wind energy professionals to discuss current issues and opportunities in New Jersey’s rapidly expanding offshore wind industry. This year's conference will focus on workforce development and equity in the offshore wind industry, with an emphasis on identifying access barriers to good jobs in this field and offering policy solutions. We’ll hear from the New Jersey Economic Development Authority about the launch of the cutting-edge Wind Institute, which will coordinate R&D and workforce development specifically for offshore wind.

It’s been a big year for offshore wind, so we’ll also hear the latest information on the NJ Wind Port, the state’s progress toward 7500 megawatts by 2035 and commitments made to ensure that this new industry benefits local NJ communities. Our panelists will respond to these developments in conversations on how to create long-term jobs through building out renewable manufacturing in our region, mitigate the environmental impacts of wind energy, and more. At the end of Day 1, you'll have access to a virtual networking space where you can connect with other attendees according to your field and interests.

Time for Turbines 2021 is virtual, and it's free! Join us to connect with state lawmakers, labor, environmental and industry leaders, policy experts and activists who are paving the way for a just, green NJ economy.

Time for Turbines 4: Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Agenda Day One: Jobs



9:05Tim Sullivan, CEO, New Jersey Economic Development Authority 

9:15Jim Bennett, US DOI/BOEM, Program Manager, Renewable Energy Program (Slideshow)

9:30Panel 1: Offshore Wind Supply Chain: An Economic Engine That Can Deliver 
Building a regional supply chain for offshore wind manufacturing is key to ensuring quality, long-term jobs in wind. In 2020, NJ broke national ground on this front with the launch of the country’s first purpose-built wind port and largest offshore wind factory. Hear from labor leaders on what we can expect from these projects, next steps to regionalize every level of the supply chain, and what commitments workers need to fully deliver on the jobs promise of wind.

  • Debra Coyle McFadden, Executive Director, WEC, Moderator

  • Hillary Bright, Director of Special Projects, Blue Green Alliance

  • Del Vitale, Director, District 4, United Steelworkers

  • Olaf Olsen, Lead Representative, New Jersey Carpenters 

10:20Coffee Break/Tech Break 

10:30Panel 2: Project Visions, Timelines, and Local Supplier Updates (Slideshow)
Hear from the world’s leading offshore wind energy developers, including Orsted, Equinor and Atlantic Shores, on their current and planned projects in New Jersey. They will cover their project timelines, activities and progress in developing an offshore wind supply chain and workforce development programs. Economic development, interconnection to the land-based grid, and job creation will also be discussed in this session.

  • Bill O’Hearn, Executive VP, External Affairs, Offshore Power LLC, Moderator

  • Vince Maione, Ørsted, Director, NJ Market Affairs

  • Doug Copeland, Atlantic Shores, Development Manager 

  • Julia Bovey, Equinor, Director, External Affairs  

11:30Keynote Addresses

  • NJBPU President Joseph Fiordaliso

  • Dr. Kevin Lyons, Associate Professor, Supply Chain Archaeology, Rutgers Business School

11:45Lunch/Tech Break

11:55Panel 3: Training an Equitable OSW Workforce
How can offshore wind serve as an engine to address climate change and reverse inequality? NJ is making historic investments in a new industry at a time when thousands of New Jerseyans have lost their jobs. How do we seize this opportunity to put people back to work -- and ensure jobs go to communities often excluded from the green economy? This panel will take a look at what New Jersey is doing and what we have left to do to remove structural barriers to good jobs in offshore wind.

  • Hugh Bailey, Deputy Commissioner, NJ Department of Labor, Moderator

  • Crystal Pruitt, Deputy Director for Clean Energy Equity, NJBPU

  • Lara Skinner, Executive Director, The Worker Institute, Chair of Labor Leading on Climate Initiative 

  • Dr. Todd E. Vachon, Faculty Coordinator, Labor Education Action Research Network (LEARN), Rutgers University

  • Pastor Kevin Peterson, Senior Pastor, The Second Baptist Church, Pedricktown, Salem County

12:45NJ Offshore Wind Ports Update

1pmWrap Up

Please join us for virtual networking from 1 p.m. - 2 p.m.


Time for Turbines 4: Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Agenda Day Two: Environment



9:05Senator Cory Booker

9:15NJBPU Commissioner Bob Gordon

9:25Acting NJDEP Commissioner Shawn LaTourette

9:30Panel 1: New Jersey State Government Resources to Support Offshore Wind 
The promise of offshore wind was left to lay fallow for most of the last decade. But since the early days of the Murphy Administration, the industry has been turbocharged, from expanding goals (now 7,500 MW by 2035), to a second solicitation, to investment in offshore wind ports. What opportunities could open up under a more favorable federal administration, and what challenges are still ahead?

  • Jeanne Fox, Former BPU President, Moderator

  • Jane Rosenblatt, Deputy Chief of Staff, NJ Department of Environmental Protection

  • Brian Sabina, NJEDA Senior Vice President, Economic Transformation 

  • Jane Cohen, Senior Policy Advisor, Environment, Gov. Murphy

  • Kelly Mooij, Office of Clean Energy Director, NJBPU

10:20Coffee Break/Tech Break

10:30Panel 2: Addressing Fishing & Environmental Concerns (Slideshow)
Key environmental considerations for offshore wind include the impact of placing “steel in the water,” subsequent impacts from cable placement and interconnections, and ecological effects on fisheries and threatened species. New Jersey’s process has been methodical and data-driven; this panel will explore the best mitigation strategies and the regulatory and scientific approach guiding this process.

  • Catherine Bowes, National Wildlife Federation, Program Director, Offshore Wind Energy, Moderator

  • Megan Brunatti, Acting Director, Office of Permitting, NJDEP

  • Dr. Joseph Brodie, Director of Atmospheric Research, Rutgers Center for Ocean Observing Leadership

  • Dr. Francine Kershaw, Staff Scientist, Marine Mammal Protection & Oceans, NRDC

11:20Keynote Address 

  • Emily Kuhn, Renewables Consulting Group (RCG), Principal (Slideshow)

11:40Lunch Break/Tech Break

11:50Panel 3: Greening the Grid (Slideshow)
Offshore wind will be key to achieving New Jersey’s renewable portfolio standard of 50% by 2030. Our electric grid, however, is part of the massive PJM regional grid that stretches into the Midwest. Especially with a historic agreement to enter the transmission planning process through a competitive solicitation, offshore wind will change the way states and regulators approach the electric grid.

  • Rich Heidorn, Editor & Co-Publisher, RTO Insider 

  • Michael Borgatti, VP, RTO Services, Gabel & Associates Inc.

  • Helaine Barr, Bureau of Climate Change & Clean Energy, NJDEP

  • Janice Fuller, Anbaric, President, New Jersey OceanGrid 

12:40Regional & National Speakers

  • Adrienne Downey, Principal Engineer, Offshore Wind, NYSERDA (Slideshow)

1pmConference Wrap Up


From Our Community

The U.S. Can Build the Largest Offshore Wind Industry in the World by Lara Skinner (Jan 25, 2021)

N.J. steelworkers and windmills -- perfect together by Del Vitale and Debra Coyle McFadden (Jan 21, 2021)

Event Sponsors





Event Supporters

Jersey Renews is a broad-based coalition of labor, faith, community, and environmental organizations working for state-based action on climate and good, family-sustaining jobs in the transition to a green economy. Learn more about our work at